How to Grow Peonies

Peonies are one of the most popular plants used in permanent landscapes. These ancient plants offer a wide array of colors and forms in addition to their highly scented blossoms. For every gardener there is a peony to love.

Pink Peonies:

Where and How to Plant Peonies

Peonies do best planted in full sun with rich loamy well draining soil. In early fall plant each division around 18 inches deep in a hole 18 inches wide. Before placing the peonies in their holes, add plenty of organic matter, ½ cup bone meal, and a good slow release fertilizer geared towards blooming plants to the holes. Plant each division with the growing tips 2-3 inches below the surface. If peonies are planted too deeply they will fail to bloom.

The better the planting hole is to begin with the better off these long living perennials will hold up. A good, barky compost mixture that can break down slowly over time would be especially suited for peonies. When planted, mulch each plant and water in well.

Read More … How to Grow Peonies: Growing and Caring for Paeonia